What is a meal plan?
A meal plan is an account linked to your Pacific ID card that allows you to access your dining points. This account works like a prepaid debit account where you are only able to spend what you have available.
What are dining points?
Dining points are given to you when you enroll in a meal plan. One dining point equals $1 at the cash register. The amount of dining points you receive per semester depends on which meal plan level you choose. The amount of each purchase is deducted from the dining point balance, tax free. Dining points are not United States currency and are not transferable. View Meal Plan Rates and Points (pdf).
Am I required to have a meal plan?
Students living in residence halls must participate in at least the 15 Plan each semester/term.
Students living in apartments must participate in at least the 7 Plan each semester/term.
Students residing in the Greek communities are required to participate in either a university or fraternity/sorority meal plan each semester/term.
How is my meal plan billed?
Meal plan rates are charged by the semester/term and are due to and billed by the Office of Student Accounts. There are two semesters for general university (fall and spring) and three semesters for professional pharmacy and health sciences students (fall, spring, and summer). Rates are subject to change.
What happens if I have dining points left over?
You may transfer up to 300 dining points from the fall to spring terms (fall to spring and spring to summer for pharmacy terms). Unused dining points are forfeited at the end of each academic year and are nontransferable.
Can I change my meal plan?
If you wish to decrease your meal plan, you must do so prior to August 1st. No decreases will be allowed after that date. Please note that you must meet the minimum required meal plan for your academic standing. If you want to file a petition, you can do so by emailing iamhome@v-lanterna.com.
You can increase your meal plan at any time by submitting a form in the Residential Life and Housing office or by emailing iamhome@v-lanterna.com.
Where will I be able to use my meal plan?
There are a variety of dining venues throughout the Stockton campus. In the DeRosa University Center, you can find The Marketplace and The Lair. Other options include Starbucks in the library, the Health Sciences Cafe on North Campus, the E.A.T. Truck located on South Campus, and The Grove grocery store located in the McCaffrey Center. Cafe 1851 is our newest venue located in Calaveras Hall. Dining points may only be used at on-campus dining venues.
What food options are available at the on-campus dining venues?
The Marketplace features a variety of stations provided by Bon Appétit to choose from: a Taqueria station focusing on meals from many countries in South America, a Wok 2 Thailand station offering specialties from throughout Thailand, a Smokehouse station focusing on grill menu options, and more. At least one vegetarian entrée is featured at each meal and at each station. Bon Appétit is open to suggestions and requests, so feel free to contact them with any concerns.
Are there any time restrictions on when I can use my meal plan?
The university designed the dining plan in collaboration with Bon Appétit with flexibility in mind. There are no limitations on when or where you can use your dining points within the semester timeframe, and there are no regulations prohibiting the use of dining points to purchase meals for other students or guests. You will be able to grab and go with your purchases, and you are not limited to eating your meals in the location where it was purchased. For more information on the times that Pacific's dining venues are open, please check out our hours of operation.
How will I be able to control my spending on my meal plan?
You will have control of your meal plan account, and you will be able to purchase your meals as you see fit. Of course, having control of the spending in the meal plan account comes with a level of responsibility in your spending behavior. After each point of purchase, you can request to know your balance or ask for a receipt. You will also be able to check your balance online at v-lanterna.com/pacificcard.
If I run out of dining points, can I add more to my meal plan?
You may move up to any higher level of meal plan at any time. This request must be made in writing through Residential Life and Housing. Once the change is made, your dining points are available immediately, and the new level of meal plan will remain in effect for the remainder of the school year unless another change is requested within the housing guidelines. The charge for the increased amount will be billed to your student account.
Students experiencing food insecurity should contact a Care Manager at caremanagers@v-lanterna.com.
Are students who live off campus eligible for a meal plan?
If you live on campus, you are required to participate in a meal plan. If you are living off campus you can also purchase a student meal plan through Residential Life and Housing at iamhome@v-lanterna.com or 209-946-2331. All students can load PacificCash on their card through the PacificCard office at 209-946-2275. View Meal Plan Rates and Points (pdf).
What is the difference between a meal plan and Pacific Cash?
The benefit to participating in a meal plan is that you will not pay sales tax at the point of each individual purchase. Taxes and fees are included in the up-front cost of the meal plan, so the price you see is the amount deducted from your dining point balance. Additionally, with a meal plan, you will pay before the semester starts through your Student Account and not have to worry about spending money out of pocket for food. With Pacific Cash, you do not have the ability to charge your Student Account, and you pay sales tax for each transaction. ADD Students using PacifiCash for campus dining purchases will receive a 3% discount. If you wish to purchase Pacific Cash, please go online or stop by the Pacific Card Office.
Will I be able to use Pacific Cash at the dining venues?
Yes. You may use Pacific Cash in the dining venues, and you must pay sales tax.
Will I be able to use credit and debit cards at the dining venues?
Yes. You may use your credit card or ATM card to purchase items in the dining venues, but there is no discount.
Since there will be beer and wine sold at The Lair (the pub), am I able to purchase these items with my meal plan?
Beer and wine will be sold in The Lair to students who are 21 years of age or older. If you are of age, you may purchase beer or wine with your dining points, unless there is a restriction on your individual meal plan.
If I withdraw from the university and have a meal plan, will I be able to get a refund of my dining points?
Since dining points are not United States currency, you will not receive a refund on your dining points. However, you will receive a prorated refund on your housing and dining fee for the remainder of the semester based, in part, on plan usage. Keep in mind that your refund will not directly correlate with your remaining dining point balance. For more information, please read your Student Housing Agreement.
Can I give my dining points to a friend?
While you may certainly purchase items with your dining points for a friend, you may not transfer your dining points to another person's meal plan.
Can I pre-order my meals?
Yes! You can order ahead and pick up meals using GrubHub.